Transforming Ghanaian Farms with Dynamic Agroforestry – Dr. Bronner’s Serendipalm Initiative

FocusIncome diversification, Climate change adaption, Capacity building
Main cropOil palm, Cocoa
Duration2019 - 2024
Size300 ha DAF
Beneficiaries600 families

Boosting Sustainability and Income Through Mixed Plantings of Oil Palm, Cocoa, and Staples

Empowering smallholders in Ghana with dynamic agroforestry to ensure long-term farm resilience and community growth.

Dr. Bronner’s, through its affiliate Serendipalm Ghana, is implementing Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) as a regenerative approach to transform cocoa and oil palm production. By integrating diverse species—including oil palm, cocoa, fruit, and timber trees, alongside staple food crops such as beans, taro, maize, and cassava—this system restores soil health, increases biodiversity, and enhances farmer livelihoods.

Project achievements showcase improved soil fertility and biodiversity, enhancing crop health and farm productivity

The project focused on smallholder farms and on model farms on Serendipalm-owned land:

DAF on Smallholder Farms

  • 300 hectares of DAF established on smallholder farms.
  • Over 600 smallholder farmers engaged in transitioning to diversified farm systems.
  • Improved soil fertility, biodiversity, and water retention, leading to healthier crops.
  • Integration of oil palm, cocoa, fruit, and timber trees for long-term productivity.
  • Staple food crops provide early revenues from local market sales, increasing farm profitability.
  • Strengthened carbon sequestration and ecosystem services.
  • Increased income per acre, making agriculture attractive again for young farmers and their families.

DAF Model Farms on Serendipalm-Owned Land

  • Model farms with DAF at different successional stages installed to serve as research and training sites.
  • Demonstration of best practices in regenerative cocoa and oil palm farming.
  • Supporting the development of scalable, sustainable farming models.

Economic Viability: Cost-Benefit Analysis of DAF vs. Monocultures

A cost-benefit analysis conducted by Dr. Bronner’s highlights the financial advantages of Dynamic Agroforestry over monoculture systems:

The analysis demonstrates that although DAF has the highest initial cost, it becomes the most profitable system starting from year two. Over five years, DAF generates nearly double the income compared to monoculture oil palm and more than double that of cocoa.

Future Expansion: Scaling Up Regenerative Agriculture

From 2025, Dr. Bronner’s will establish an additional 600 hectares of DAF on its own land, expanding its commitment to regenerative agriculture in Ghana.

  • Large-scale demonstration of sustainable cocoa and oil palm production.
  • Further improvements in carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and soil health.
  • Increased economic resilience and long-term sustainability.

By implementing Dynamic Agroforestry, Dr. Bronner’s and Serendipalm Ghana are setting a new benchmark for scaling up regenerative farming, ensuring environmental restoration, economic sustainability, and long-term farmer prosperity.

Project Partners

Dr. Bronner’s logo – Ethical personal care brand committed to fair trade and regenerative agriculture.

Dr. Bronner’s

Dr. Bronner’s is a family-owned company recognized for its commitment to organic, fair trade, and regenerative agriculture. Founded in 1948, the company has become a global leader in ethically sourced...
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