In the year 1989 Oranges (var. late Valencia) were planted in 6x6m quadrants on a plot of 1.25 ha as a single crop in monoculture. Legumes (Glycine wighitii) were seeded to establish a ground cover. The conversion of this plantation into a Dynamic Agroforestry System (DAF) started in 1996.
The plantation described above includes now more than 60 species of timber and fruit trees in different canopy layers (strata) below and above the citrus trees. 650 trees and palms are present per hectare and soil fertility has increased in line with the development of the supporting flora within the plantation. During droughts it was particularly evident that compared to normal plantations in the region, this system did not show signs of stress and maintained productivity (yield).
Generally the yield harvested in the agroforestry systems was relatively constant and above the average yield of the region. The time invested in pruning and management resulted in and continues to enhance soil fertility, which cannot be said about monocultures. Within 2-3 years the system produced sufficient organic matter to maintain a permanent ground cover of material originating from pruning and fallen foliage, sustaining a high flow of carbon. Therefore no input of fertilizer was needed. However, it is important that the pruning of the shade trees is done in time to induce flowering of the citrus (aprox. three month before the development of flowers in the oranges). There are no significant problems anymore with pests and diseases in the agroforestry system.