200 families located in 9 villages are being assisted in agroforestry production with cocoa and oranges as main crops, including the establishment of collective nurseries for production of cocoa, citrus and other fruit trees as well as medical and timber trees. An important aspect of the methodology is the exchange of experiences through farmer to farmer visits, practical on-farm training and a one year educational training program, certified by the Catholic University of La Paz.
To optimize the productive system, a certain number of families are supported with small units of pork and poultry production infrastructure, using products of the diversified agroforestry systems, for the preparation of home-made compound feed. In addition, with support from the Ecological Institute of the University Mayor de San Andrés de La Paz-UMSA, a monitoring programme of wildlife, in this case the Jochi pintado (Agouti paca), is carried out for further sustainable management of this species for the purpose of meat production.
This project is financed by the Inter-American Foundation.