Vojvodina Organic Cluster

The Vojvodina Organic Cluster (VOC), established in 2014, is a dynamic association dedicated to advancing organic agriculture in the Vojvodina region of Serbia. Bringing together over 65 members, including universities, research institutes, organic producers, and industry stakeholders, VOC fosters innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in organic farming practices.

Focused on promoting biodiversity, soil health, and sustainable farming methods, VOC offers training, technical support, and market linkages to organic farmers and businesses. By enhancing collaboration and sharing knowledge, the cluster aims to strengthen the regional organic food value chain and contribute to Serbia’s growing role in the global organic market.

VOC collaborates with international and local partners to develop innovative farming models and promote organic certification. It serves as a key player in capacity building, enabling small-scale farmers to adopt sustainable practices while improving their productivity and market access.

ECOTOP and VOC work together to introduce Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) systems and other innovative farming techniques to enhance organic farming resilience. This partnership empowers farmers, fosters sustainable land use, and contributes to regional and global environmental goals.

Our projects with Vojvodina organic cluster