GIZ International Services is implementing SICCR-TAC together with the consultancies AHT and SNV under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, represented by the Directorate General of Climate Change. The Government of Aceh, represented by the Aceh Provincial Environment and Forestry Office, is the main local stakeholder.
The focus of the project is on building the capacity of the Government of Aceh in its effort towards low-carbon/low-emission economic development in the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector.
One of the project’s main activities is strengthening Forest Management Units (FMU) as local units for sustainable forest management in Aceh. The project promotes strategic alliances and sharing of lessons learned on implementation of the REDD+ and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.
The project supports capacity development of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Directorate General of Climate Change at the central level, and to its regional offices (Balai PPI), particularly targeting the Balai PPI Palembang, which covers the Province of Aceh.
Ecotop senior and junior technicians are in charge of the capacity building programs and implementation of demonstration plots in the Project región of Aceh.