Restoring Patuca National Park: Reforestation and Sustainable Cocoa Production

RegionLatin America
FocusReforestation, Capacity Building, Restoration of Degraded Land
Main cropCocoa, Reforestation
DurationJan 2011 – Dec 2012
ByECOTOP Consult

Applying Natural Succession Principles to Reforest Pasturelands and Support Local Communities

A collaborative effort to reforest degraded land, establish sustainable cocoa systems, and build local capacity with 70 families in Honduras' Patuca National Park.

Restoring degraded pasturelands through reforestation and establishing sustainable cocoa production systems based on the principles of natural succession and agroforestry in Patuca National Park.

In the Patuca National Park, Naturefund-Germany together with the “Asociación Patuca” is creating tree nurseries and reforestation projects with local communities. On behalf of Naturefund ECOTOP advises farmer groups in improving their young cocoa plantations and in reforestation techniques in depleted pasture land.

A group of technicians and farmers from PATUCA participated at the 14th international agroforestry course organized by ECOTOP in 2012 in Bolivia.

Project Partners

Logo of Nature & Development Foundation (NDF), featuring a butterfly and the organization's name in black text.

Nature and Development Foundation

Nature and Development Foundation (NDF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to balancing environmental conservation with sustainable development. Established in 2013 in Ghana, NDF builds on years of conservation efforts in...
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Naturefund logo – Committed to global land conservation and ecosystem restoration.


Naturefund is a non-profit nature conservation organization founded in 2003, dedicated to purchasing and preserving land to protect diverse ecosystems and the myriad species they support. By acquiring meadows, forests,...
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