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Protecting Farmland: Essential Techniques to Prevent Soil Erosion

Soil erosion threatens both agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability. For large landowners and agribusinesses, controlling erosion is crucial for maintaining soil health and ensuring long-term profitability. This article explores the...
Cashew monoculture plantation in Burkina Faso with evenly spaced trees and dry soil, highlighting challenges of soil degradation and biodiversity loss

The Future of Commodity Crops: How Dynamic Agroforestry Tackles Environmental Challenges

Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) offers a sustainable and profitable alternative to conventional commodity crop farming. By mimicking natural forest ecosystems and integrating a diverse range of plant species, it fosters resilient...
frontiers in sustainable food systems journal

CacaoFIT: the network of cacao field trials in Latin America and its contribution to sustainable cacao farming in the region

A recent study by Orozco-Aguilar et al. highlights the contributions of the CacaoFIT network—a collaborative effort among agronomists, researchers, and practitioners—to sustainable cocoa farming in Latin America and the Caribbean....
frontiers in sustainable food systems journal

Lokal selektierte Kakaoklone zur Ertragssteigerung: Eine Fallstudie in verschiedenen Produktionssystemen in einem Langzeitversuch

This study finds that using locally-selected cocoa clones can significantly boost cocoa yields. Conducted over five years in Bolivia, the research compared the performance of local clones against widely-used international...
journal of cleaner production

Food-energy-water nexus of different cacao production systems from a LCA approach

A recent study by Armengot et al. examines the environmental impacts of different cocoa production systems, focusing on smallholder contexts. The research compares four young cacao systems: conventional monoculture, organic...

Cacao Agroforestry Systems Do Not Increase Pest and Disease Incidence Compared With Monocultures Under Good Cultural Management Practices

The study investigated whether cacao agroforestry systems lead to higher pest and disease incidence compared to monocultures. Contrary to traditional beliefs, the study found that when good cultural management practices—such...
Environmental Research Letters

Cocoa agroforestry systems versus monocultures: a multi-dimensional meta-analysis

A recent study by Niether et al. presents a comprehensive meta-analysis comparing cocoa agroforestry systems with monocultures. Analyzing 52 articles, the research found that while cocoa yields in agroforestry systems...


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