Sustainable Cocoa and Vanilla Farming in Madagascar – A Conservation-Driven Model

SchwerpunktFood production, Capacity building, Conservation
HauptfruchtCocoa, Vanila
Dauer2019 - 2027
UnterECOTOP Schweiz
Density2000 trees/ha
Begünstigte300 - 600 families

Enhancing Farmer Livelihoods and Protecting Biodiversity with Dynamic Agroforestry

Empowering producers in MaMaBay to boost income, improve food security, and conserve Madagascar’s unique forest ecosystems.

Located in the northeast of Madagascar, MaMaBay (Masoala, Makira, Antongil Bay) is a global biodiversity hotspot, home to over 50% of Madagascar’s species and contributing to 2% of the world’s biodiversity. However, this ecological treasure faces severe threats from deforestation, unsustainable farming practices, and limited economic opportunities for local communities.

To address these challenges, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has introduced an innovative dynamic cocoa agroforestry system that restores degraded landscapes, supports sustainable livelihoods, and promotes biodiversity conservation. By integrating cocoa cultivation with native and fruit-bearing tree species, the project provides a climate-resilient and economically viable alternative to traditional farming, reducing pressure on the region’s forests.

From Restoration of Degraded Land to Farmer Training

The components of this project are very diverse: 

  • Restore degraded lands through a regenerative cocoa agroforestry model.
  • Enhance farmer incomes by introducing high-value organic cocoa and diversified crop production.
  • Increase biodiversity by integrating endemic tree species into cocoa farms.
  • Support conservation efforts to protect endangered species like the Silky Sifaka (Propithecus candidus).
  • Improve farmer knowledge and resilience through capacity building and training programs.

Agroforestry Design for Productivity & Resilience

  •  2,000  trees/ha (650 cocoa trees/ha) including endemic and fruit species.
  • Diversified crop production, including bananas, vanilla, and cloves, providing additional income for farmers.
  • Collaboration with local farmers and cooperatives to promote sustainable farming and equitable income distribution.
  • Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) techniques that ensure higher productivity, improved soil health, and better resilience to climate change.

Preparing Farmers for Long-Term Success

A crucial component of the MaMaBay Cocoa Agroforestry Project is the training and empowerment of farmers. Through hands-on training and participatory approaches, the project equips farmers with technical knowledge in Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF), climate-resilient cocoa farming, and sustainable land management.

Key aspects of the training program include:

  • Inclusive and participatory learning to ensure equal access for women, men, youth, and elders.
  • Income diversification strategies to enhance financial stability through local and international market access.
  • Food security improvements by promoting the cultivation of multiple crops alongside cocoa.
  • Gender-sensitive approaches that empower women in cocoa farming and leadership roles.

Impact & Growth Projections: Scaling DAF

  • 2024: 300 farmers actively engaged in cocoa agroforestry.
  • 2026: First container of organic cocoa exported to the international market.
  • 2030: Targeting 50 tons of cocoa production per year, generating an estimated $3 million in economic benefitsover the next decade.

Conservation & Community Benefits – Restoring Forests & Protecting Wildlife

  • Deforestation reduction by promoting sustainable land-use practices.
  • Forest restoration  through agroforestry, increasing carbon sequestration and restoring ecosystems.
  • Economic resilience for local communities through diversified income sources.
  • Protection of endangered wildlife, including Madagascar’s unique lemurs and other endemic species.

What is so Special about the MaMaBay Cocoa Agroforestry Project?

This project presents a scalable and impactful model for climate-smart cocoa production that balances
environmental conservation with economic development. By linking sustainable cocoa farming with biodiversity protection, the initiative ensures that both people and nature can thrive together.

Watch the MaMaBay Cocoa Agroforestry Video


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