Unsere Partner

Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. At ECOTOP, we partner with a diverse range of organizations, including NGOs, governmental organizations, private enterprises, academic institutions, and community groups.

Barry Callebaut

Barry Callebaut is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products, headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland. Established in 1996...
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Inter-American Foundation logo – Supporting grassroots development in Latin America and the Caribbean.​

Inter-Amerikanische Stiftung

The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) is an independent U.S. government agency that supports grassroots development initiatives in Latin America and the...
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The Forest and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME) is an initiative by the Indonesian and German governments aimed at reducing greenhouse...
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Institut für Feld- und Gemüsekulturen in Novi Sad

The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS), based in Novi Sad, Serbia, is a renowned research institution dedicated to...
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Bio-Cluster Vojvodina

The Vojvodina Organic Cluster (VOC), established in 2014, is a dynamic association dedicated to advancing organic agriculture in the Vojvodina...
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Tradin Organic Logo

Tradin Bio

Tradin Organic is a global leader in sourcing and supplying certified organic ingredients, specializing in building sustainable value chains for...
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Rapunzel Logo


Rapunzel Naturkost is a leading German company specializing in organic and fair-trade food products. Established in 1974, Rapunzel is dedicated...
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Helvetas Logo

Helvetas Madagaskar

Helvetas Madagascar is part of the global Helvetas network, a leading development organization dedicated to creating sustainable and inclusive solutions...
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South Pole logo


South Pole Group is a globally recognized leader in climate action and sustainability solutions. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in...
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Zoo Zurich, represented by its Zoo Foundation (ZOOH), is a key organization dedicated to wildlife conservation and environmental education. Established...
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WCS Logo

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a global organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and natural ecosystems. Founded in...
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Kuapa Kokoo logo – Ghana’s largest cocoa cooperative, promoting fair trade and sustainable cocoa farming.


Kuapa Kokoo is Ghana’s leading cooperative of smallholder cocoa farmers, dedicated to promoting fair trade, sustainability, and farmer empowerment. Founded...
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Fairtrade logo – Global certification for ethical trade and sustainable farming practices.


Fairtrade is a global certification initiative dedicated to ensuring ethical and sustainable trade practices across various industries, particularly in agriculture...
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Caboz is a sustainable cocoa initiative established in 2009 to create meaningful connections across the cocoa supply chain. By partnering...
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Gebana Switzerland is a pioneer in fair trade and organic farming, dedicated to building sustainable food supply chains. Founded in...
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Lindt Stiftung

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is a world-leading institute in organic agriculture, founded in Switzerland in 1973. With...
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Logo of Nature & Development Foundation (NDF), featuring a butterfly and the organization's name in black text.

Stiftung Natur und Entwicklung

Nature and Development Foundation (NDF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to balancing environmental conservation with sustainable development. Established in 2013...
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MISEREOR logo – German development organization supporting sustainability, social justice, and agroforestry projects worldwide.


MISEREOR is a German development organization committed to combating poverty, promoting social justice, and supporting sustainable development worldwide. Founded in...
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nternational Trade Centre (ITC) logo – A joint agency of the UN and WTO, supporting global trade development and sustainability.

Internationales Handelszentrum

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is a multilateral agency dedicated to fostering sustainable economic growth in developing countries through trade-related...
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CSIR Ghana logo – Scientific research and technology innovation for sustainable agriculture and industry.

Rat für wissenschaftliche und industrielle Forschung

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is Ghana’s leading research institution dedicated to scientific innovation, technology development, and...
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Instituto de Ecología logo – Research center at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés specializing in biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management.

Instituto de Ecología

The Instituto de Ecología is a renowned research center based at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) in Bolivia....
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PIAF - El Ceibo logo - Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible

PIAF-El Ceibo

The PIAF-El Ceibo Foundation is a Bolivian organization dedicated to advancing sustainable cocoa farming and agroforestry systems. Originally established in...
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Swisscontact logo - advancing inclusive economic development and sustainability


Swisscontact is a Swiss-based non-profit organization focused on inclusive economic development and sustainable agriculture. Founded in 1959, the organization works...
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Naturefund logo – Committed to global land conservation and ecosystem restoration.


Naturefund is a non-profit nature conservation organization founded in 2003, dedicated to purchasing and preserving land to protect diverse ecosystems...
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Europäische Union (EU)

The European Union (EU) collaborates with Ecotop through various programs and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable development and environmental conservation....
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PMCI logo – Sustainable coconut producer in Côte d'Ivoire

Plantations Modernes de Côte d'Ivoire (PMCI)

Plantations Modernes de Côte d’Ivoire (PMCI) is a leading agricultural company in Côte d’Ivoire, specializing in coconut cultivation and processing....
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UNOCACE logo - Cocoa Bean and Chocolate Producers Association in Ecuador


UNOCACE (Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas Cacaoteras del Ecuador) is a second-tier cooperativerepresenting small-scale cocoa producers in Ecuador. Established in 1999,...
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Biopartenaire logo – French company specializing in fair trade and organic agricultural products.


Biopartenaire is a French company specializing in the sourcing and distribution of organic and fair-trade agricultural products. With a strong...
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Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) logo – Switzerland’s official agency for international development and humanitarian aid.

Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (DEZA)

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is Switzerland’s official governmental agency for international development and humanitarian aid. Operating...
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Fredy’s Plantation logo – Sustainable cocoa and agroforestry project in Tiassalé, Ivory Coast.

Freddy's Plantage

Fredy’s Plantation is an innovative agricultural initiative in Ivory Coast, dedicated to sustainable cocoa production and agroforestry. Founded by Fredy...
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Dr. Bronner’s logo – Ethical personal care brand committed to fair trade and regenerative agriculture.

Dr. Bronner's

Dr. Bronner’s is a family-owned company recognized for its commitment to organic, fair trade, and regenerative agriculture. Founded in 1948,...
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Liechtensteiner Entwicklungsdienst (LED) logo – Supporting sustainable development and rural empowerment worldwide.

Liechtensteiner Entwicklungsdienst (LED)

The Liechtensteiner Entwicklungsdienst (LED) is a foundation established by the government and people of Liechtenstein to support sustainable development worldwide....
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Coop is one of Switzerland’s largest retail and wholesale companies, recognized for its strong commitment to sustainability, fair trade, and...
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Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa logo – Promoting sustainability and collaboration in cocoa production with partners like Ecotop.


The Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (SWISSCO) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together actors from the cocoa and chocolate...
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is a German federal enterprise specializing in international cooperation for sustainable development and...
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Delica AG logo – Swiss producer of coffee, chocolate, snacks, and cooking ingredients

Delica AG

Delica AG is a Swiss company specializing in the development and production of high-quality food products, including coffee, chocolate, snacks,...
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Bothapraku Company Limited is a Ghanaian enterprise specializing in the cultivation and export of fresh and sun-dried organic citrus products....
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Pralinen Halba

Chocolats Halba is a Swiss premium chocolate manufacturer known for its commitment to sustainability, fair trade, and high-quality chocolate production....
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Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is a world-leading institute in organic agriculture, founded in Switzerland in 1973. With...
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Petra Heid from Halba

Unter der Anleitung von ECOTOP haben wir über 10 erfolgreiche Projekte auf der ganzen Welt, die mehr als 1600 Hektar degradierte Flächen in dynamische Agroforstsysteme zu verwandeln. Ihr Ansatz kombiniert fundierte wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse mit praktischen Lösungen, die Folgendes bewirken bedeutsam Ergebnisse.

Petra HeidHead of Sustainability at HALBA


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