Wiederaufforstung des madagassischen Dornbuschwaldes - eine Zusammenarbeit für die biologische Vielfalt

HauptfruchtCocoa, orange
DauerJan 2011 – Dec 2012
UnterECOTOP Consult

Promoting Natural Regeneration to Restore Secondary Forests and Protect Unique Ecosystems

A partnership with Naturefund-Germany to reforest Madagascar's Spiny Forest, ensuring biodiversity protection and sustainable land use for local communities.

In October 2009 Ho’Avi, entered in a collaborative forest restoration funding scheme with Naturefund-Germany to protect a unique Spiny Thicket Forest. 70 farmer families benefitted from the capacity-building measures.


Naturefund logo – Committed to global land conservation and ecosystem restoration.


Naturefund is a non-profit nature conservation organization founded in 2003, dedicated to purchasing and preserving land to protect diverse ecosystems and the myriad species they support. By acquiring meadows, forests,...
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